How can I write on SquarePost website?
You can write scientific articles, op-eds, economic analysis, translated articles, scientific news, short stories, book and film reviews.
Is there anything else but writing?
You can contribute infographic designs or photo quotes, translate videos, record articles audio, and contribute to language scrutiny.
Your contributions to SquarePost are published in your name from the first time, and SquarePost creates your own official account after your third contribution and makes sure you are committed to being a member of the blog's committed family.
In order to publish your article more quickly, please observe the following conditions:
- Commitment to the classical English language.
- Abide by the rules of dictation, punctuation, punctuation and coordinate the paragraphs as much as possible.
- Choose a suitable title for the topic, and stay away from misleading titles.
- Attach a suitable image of the content if possible, preferably 800p wide and 400 pixels high.
- The content must not have been posted on any other website or media platform.
- The material to be published does not contain insult, insult, defamation, injury to a particular person, body, or insult to a sect, religion, nationalism, sect or any content that is indecent.
- The number of words of the article should not be less than 600 words, and if the number of words of the article is more than 1500 words, the site's management may edit the article or publish it in loops.
- Mention the sources and references based on them in the case of reliance on studies or when attaching data or figures from other sources to preserve intellectual property rights.
- If the subject is translated, please send the original link to the topic.
SquarePost is not obliged to publish all up-to-date contributions, and the editorial department is obliged to respond and explain why it has not been published within a period of not more than four days.
Our goal is for content owners to be able to profit from their productions.
SquarePost lets you profit from your articles by calculating a percentage of the ad revenue we post on them, and the interactions on them.
How can I join?
If you would like to post on SquarePost for the first time, please send your article with your name, picture of you, as well as a short description of you, to the following email: